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별의 목소리 OST - Through The Years And Far Away

2011.04.25 22:38

밀레이유 조회 수:213


Hello, little star
Are you doing fine?
I'm lonely as everything at birth

Sometimes in the dark 
When I close my eyes
I dream of you the planet Earth

If I could fly across this night 
Faster than the speed of light
I would spread these wings of mine

Through the years and far away
Far beyond the milky way
See the shine that never blinks
The shine that never fades

Thousand years and far away
Far beyond the silky way
You're the shine that never blinks 
The shine that never dies

Hello, tiny star
Can you hear me call?
I'm so blind as everything in birth 

If I could flow against these nights
Straighter than the string of light
I would lay these hands on time 

Through the years and far away 
Far beyond the milky way
See the shine that never blinks 
The shine that never fades

Thousand years and far away
Far beyond the silky way
You're the shine that never blinks
The shine that never dies

Through the years and far away 
Far beyond the milky way
You're the shine that never blinks 
The shine that never dies

Disclaimer: I DO NOT OWN THE SONG....


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